Promo nouvel an : -40 % sur la formation Individuelle ! → fin le 20/01/25 

Learn Blender

Training for Individuals

Blender dans l'industrie

NVIDIA, AMD, BMW, Intel, Ubisoft, Adobe, Meta, Volkswagen, Epic Games, ...

​All these major companies financially support Blender!

This shows the interest that this software generates.

And we’re not just talking on a small scale, but across multiple major sectors ranging from video games and cinema to the automotive industry. Including web 3.0, architecture, science, medicine, and many others.

→ So many major sectors that use 3D

→ Autant de grands secteurs dans lesquels vous 
    pourriez avoir une place grâce à vos compétences en 3D. 

Blender in the Industry

​All these major companies financially support Blender!

This shows the interest that this software generates.

And we’re not just talking on a small scale, but across multiple major sectors ranging from video games and cinema to the automotive industry. Including web 3.0, architecture, science, medicine, and many others.

→ So many major sectors that use 3D

→ So many major sectors where you could find a place thanks to your 3D skills. 

Learn Blender with me - 3 Offers


0 .00

  • Blender tutorials and tips
  • Available on my YouTube Channel:
    Tutos Blender

Grouped training

179 .00

/ session
  • Blender Basics Training
  • Creating a 3D Project (with Image Rendering)
  • Remote → Video Conference​
  • 3h00 of training session
  • ↓↓  See lower for more details  ↓↓

Individual training

169 .00

/ session
  • Training topics personalized 
    Based on adaptable modules
  • Exercises tailored to each learner
  • Remote → Video Conference​
  • As many sessions as needed 
    Determined together 
    Based on your goals
  • Sessions last 1h30
  • Flexible dates and times for sessions
  • ↓↓  See lower for more details  ↓↓

Discover my individual training

Tailored to your needs and skill level!

(There is also a group training presented below.)


 Prendre Rendez-vous (choose the time slot that suits you)  


Learning modules


 Prendre Rendez-vous (choose the time slot that suits you)  


Enrollment - Clear steps


 Prendre Rendez-vous (choose the time slot that suits you)  


Discover my group training


 Sign up (choose the time slot that suits you)  


YouTube presence

Tutos Blender

On the Tutos Blender channel, I share many tips and explain the various tools of the software — all in French.

There, you can get a sense of:

  • my voice
  • my way of speaking
  • of explaining things
  • of communicating

→ Join over 14K Subscribers​.

Go see